CATCH Scotland is a fair and inclusive employer. We operate an open-door policy and actively seek the opinions and ideas of our staff and young adults to constantly improve our service. We never know when a referral will come our way, so are always looking for good caring people with patience, big hearts and a range of skills to work with our young people.
To be part of a team offering a comprehensive housing support and care at home service to young adults, the aim is to ensure the physical, social and emotional development of each young adult, as well as teaching them the relevant independent living skills.

People from all vocations and work settings are welcome to apply to become Training Mentors. Many of our young adults don’t know what career or vocation they want to pursue, so we like to offer a range of introductory vocations to find out what interests them and where their skills lie. Example areas are makeup artistry, joinery, hospitality, music, administration.
Community Staff provide an integral part of the CATCH Approach; They provide the support network for all young adults and staff to help guide and advise each as issues and situations arise. The Community Team provide an on-call service which can respond to any crisis if necessary and are made up of more experienced members of staff with a background of working with hard-to-reach young adults. Quick thinking and remaining calm under pressure is an absolute must in this field.

Key Duties Across All Job Roles
Each staff member has responsibility for ensuring and promoting the safeguarding of any young adult with whom he/she comes into contact by:.
- Working in accordance with the CATCH Scotland vision and aims
- Carrying out duties in line with CATCH Scotland policies and procedures and adhering to these policies and procedures at all times.
- Assisting in the promotion of health goals and best outcomes with the young adults.
- Working in line with young adult Housing Support and Personal Training Plans.
House Staff require to:
- Register with SSSC at their own expense and maintain their membership. Failure to do so will affect employment.
- Comply with the Code of Conduct required by the Scottish Social Services Council.
- Undertake relevant training programmes as required by the Scottish Social Services Council, CATCH Scotland and Care Inspectorate.
Vocational Training Staff require to:
- Provide evidence of Formal Vocational Qualifications and Experience
- Follow the CATCH Vocational Training Guidelines and participate fully in its Monitoring and Accountability Procedures.
- Undertake relevant training activities to promote collaborative working with House staff colleagues.
House Staff require to:
- Participate in forming and completing daily case notes, weekly reports, evaluation forms and Housing Support Plans with input from the young adult’s.
- Provide and participate in leisure activities in line with the care and placement plans of the young adult’s were required.
- Develop and maintain professional working relationships with colleagues, young adult’s and families.
- Attend and participate in supervision and staff meetings as required.
Vocational Training Staff require to:
- Maintain Daily and Weekly Records of Work Covered and Reviews Undertaken.
- Contribute Training Reports to Reviews concerning the young people they work with.
- Develop and maintain professional working relationships with care team colleagues.
- Attend and participate in supervision and staff meetings as required.
All staff are required to participate in and follow all Health and Safety Procedures:
- To ensure the safety and well-being of the young adults
- To be fully aware of safeguarding and child protection issues.
- To fully understand the reporting process of Child Protection within the organisation.
- To understand the principles of safeguarding oneself.
The CATCH Training Manager works with the management team and staff to create ongoing training across the service to meet the needs of both staff and organisation.
New employees go through a rigorous recruitment and induction process followed by ongoing support from line managers, the community team and their identified House Coordinator and Training Coordinator. An introduction to CATCH is done as a training session by the CEO and management team to ensure that staff are aware of all expectations.
For House Staff, frequent phone conversations with the Housing Coordinator take place and visits from the community team offer ongoing support. Frequent supervisions with senior management take place initially and then reduce as confidence increases and staff member becomes more established. Annual PDR’s follow at an appropriate time.
For Trainers, ongoing support and guidance from the Training Supervisor and Work Place Coordinator is provided throughout the first week until the member of staff finds his feet, before moving onto a weekly review of progress made and concerns expressed by both young adult and staff member.
A mixture of Internal and external training is provided, ranging from mandatory child protection and exploitation to first aid and mental health first aid training and 6 weekly housing support meetings for care staff. Monthly staff meetings enable training staff to share concerns and identify future developmental training needs.